
Thursday, 29 December 2011

A Little Dragon On The Way: 12 weeks

It's official...I am about to become a hippo again ^.^

Yup, we have a Little Dragon in the oven. Woohoo!!

That explains the tiredness and the license for laziness on my part. Totally legitimate...

I am excited, of course but I am definitely not looking forward to doubling my width. Also, I am moving and thinking at sloth speed which I cannot bear.

I am not going to pretend I love being pregnant, I absolutely hate it. Aesthetics aside, there are all the medical complications that may occur at every step of the way. It's like threading a minefield. Paranoia and OCD are some of the side effects of being in the medical field.

I am trying my level best to spend more time with Tiger before the baby's arrival.

Currently, he pats my little 12-weeks bulge when I ask him to sayang (love) his mei-mei (little sister). Yes, I am a little desperate for a little girl. I have a lot of explaining to do if his mei-mei ends up with a penis.

Progress (a la Bridget Jones)

Gestation: 12 weeks
Weight: 48 kg
Cravings: Non
Nausea : Gone
Boobs: Enlarging
Waistline: Disappearing
Sex drive: Off the charts (Ha ha!)

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Family: Weekend With Grandparents: Part 2

On Sunday, we spent time with Daddy's Mom aka Ama/Nai Nai.
Actually, it was more like she spent time shopping with us but who's counting?

We planned to go to the indoor playground, Kidzsport at Empire 
but it was so dark and gloomy, we abandoned the idea.

We had lunch at Madam Kwan's where 4 plates of nasi lemak and three beverages cost RM170.
I wanted to pay but after seeing the bill, I just pretended to be busy with the kid
 and let the guy pick up the tab.
Next round on me, nasi lemak also but from mamak.

Then we walked around aimlessly and stopped at the giant inflatable snow globe.
Family shot for RM10..ok...

While waiting for our turn, Daddy went into Adidas.
I took this shot of Tiger messing up the store.
The sales guy said, "No" gently and Tiger broke down...

Finally, it was our turn in the globe.
I was worried he was going to cry but surprise, surprise,
he loved the fake snow and had a grand time.
Getting acquainted...

Happy boy!
I took it as a sign from God that we should have a snowy holiday soon.

Checking out the Christmas ornaments and deco

Tiger's Christmas presents so far
A Skip Hop Owl Bag (Daddy commented it was a girl's bag...dang) RM 90
Adidas Donald Duck Shoe (Happy colours for Chinese New Year) RM 136
Magnetic alphabets/robots (So cool!) RM 88

4 shirts from Pumpkin Patch RM151 (all 50% + 10%)
I am super cheapskate when it comes to clothes

*I have decided to picture and tag the prices of all purchases for Tiger from here on.
Partly for self control and partly for easy blackmail later on. 
Someone's gotta get me the adult diapers, you know..very useful, this blog

I didn't buy anything from Toy R us. Hah!

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Family: A Weekend With Grandparents: Part 1

Did I mention that my Mom's a singer, not a pro but a wannabe? Haha...she loves singing as a hobby and she's really into singing competitions and all.  My Dad's really good too but he's kinda shy unless he's drunk.

Last Saturday was a Charity Dinner/Concert organised by my mom's singing coach. Yes, she has a voice coach 'roll eyes'. We were invited during the eleventh hour because my brothers refused to go. The crowd was too old for them it seems.

So, we went and enjoyed ourselves.

The Drama 'grand'Mama. I think she is radiating happiness in this pic  ^.^
Oh, she also scared the heck out of Tiger with her stage make-up.

The group performance

The proud Grandpa...managed to cuddle Tiger after hours of sweet talking and bribing.

The semi drunk Grandpa with Grandma's token of appreciation.
I see their relationship growing stronger as they grow older and it makes me all gooey and warm.

My lovely parents

I have to confess that most of the time Tiger was running around, dancing and harassing the dancers
instead of admiring Grandma's performance.
He even managed to charm the waiters at the bistro outside to give him a bun :)

I was exhausted after the show!

Goodnight kisses for my darling

I hope when I am old and participating in umm, say
International Crocheting Event..I hope my husband, my child and my grandchild will be in attendance.

Maybe I'll be the shuffling Grandma....
I can always hope, can't I?

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Year End Report Card

Letter To Tiger Thursday

Dear Tiger,

We haven't been doing much school work this week and I know you miss it.
Sorry, babe. Mommy's working late this week and I miss school time too. You kept asking for Up and when we are 'up', you will knock on your classroom door even if it's near bedtime.

Since it is school holidays for real in Malaysia, I think you deserve a break too for your stellar performance.

Report Card For 2010

Name: Tiger

Age: 18 months

Dear parent/guardian:

We have enjoyed having your lovely child in our class. He has shown excellent enthusiasm and an intense love of learning.

Tiger is a sharer and bonds well with children of all ages. He is also a neat and organised boy who loves to assist with cleaning.

He has a preference for numbers, puzzles and music which we hope you will continue to cultivate.

His gross, fine & social development is on track and satisfactory.

Although his speech development is a little slow, he shows good understanding of several languages.

Problems we have identified:
1. He is very keen on his pacifier.
2. He has made an unhealthy habit of linking Tweedlewink classes to biscuits/snack time.
3. He likes to pretend-fart

In summary, we are very pleased with his progress and we look forward to another fruitful year in 2012. He is a very bright child which is a trait we are sure he has inherited from his mother.

Teacher's signature:                                                                        Parent's signature:

.......XOXO...........                                                                        ................................

Note: A copy of the report card will be sent to Grandma and Daddy (for show off purposes as requested)

Year End School Excursion:
1-day Trip To Malacca aka eating trip
Models: Crazy Mommy aka teacher & Cutie Pie Tiger aka student
Prop: A pimped out trishaw

Yours truly,


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Holiday: No School Week

I love the title. It justifies my laziness and my love for food and holiday.

We took a short break and Daddy drove us to Penang Island for another stay at Hard Rock. The last time we went, Tiger was 6 months and he HATED the waters. I couldn't wait for him to see the sea and sand.

We stopped in Ipoh along the way for the yummy delicious Taugeh Chicken Rice and this is Tiger's rating of the food:
Gluttony in all its glory!!!
I love this pic of my greedy little boy..seriously, he eats anything..

This is the Taugeh. I think it wasn't as good anymore.
Service was horrible too.

Upon arrival at the hotel, we were checked in immediately.
The benefits of paying extra for King's Club/suite room.
I could get used to the rock star life..hmmm

My little surfer dude with Daddy.
Please don't ask how much the Quiksilver top cost.

 Poor boy, I took him on the water slide and he went under with me...
Poor baby... still holding his watering can.
He didn't cry though..

After that, he insisted on staying at the sanded wading pool.

At night, we drove around town and got lost AGAIN!!! We ended back at Gurney Drive and had the best cockles. Sorry no pictures, we were too hungry!

Day 2: We went for a morning walk on the beach

Tiger chilled out with Daddy..

We went to the Penang Museum which was clearly too boring for Tiger...
He slept the whole time..heehee

Then, we visited Fort Cornwallis before lunch at Mama's,
which is a nyonya food restaurant.
This was his only tantrum fit during the whole trip.
He wanted more food.

Back at the hotel.
Tiger was having flu, so we were supposed to play with sand only

This boy love sand, more than the sea or pool..

Ate some sand too...

Day 3: Pooping in the hotel, before breakfast..

Met this little girl during breakfast in the King's Club.
She is attending Shichida.
Nope, I didn't ask! I am not that kiasu..hehe...I saw her worksheets.
Notice how small and cute she is?  She is two but they are almost the same height

Then, I FORCED Daddy to bring us to the Butterfly Park.
It was still Bugs Week afterall  >.<

This is 'his' way of signing butterfly.
He called them kah kah, his universal word for all bugs.

The butterfly/lover swing

The park is small but quaint, like how everything is in Penang.
I love it. It means shorter tours and just right for Tiger's attention span.

 I tried reading the bugs' names out loud but he wouldn't let me.
See Mommy's fake smile?
The kiddo just wanted to roam free...

Grand total for a 3 days trip came up to about RM 3000, including travel, accommodation and food.  
Thanks Daddy, we love our mini trip...muaks..... 

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Tot School: Bugs Week

This is part 1 of Bugs Week and as expected, my Boss, the Tiger didn't like the trays.
Part 2, the holiday; he likes  ;)
He called everything, from ants to lizards 'Kah Kah'.
Mommy: Spider
Tiger: Kah kah
Mommy: Beetle
Tiger: Kah kah
Mommy: Caterpillar
Tiger: Kah kah
 You get the picture....

I forgot to take a picture of the Tot Tray setup :p 

This messy bug bin was a hit.
He searched for it EVERYDAY.
I hid it, of course :p
Otherwise, this will be all that we do ^.^

There aren't many pics this week due to the fact that
he likes to cover the camera lens with his hands nowadays.

Like this, in a I-am-a-celebrity-get-outta-my-way-you-paparazzi kinda way!!

This is one of the trays.
It was supposed to be a mystery bag but he refused to put his hand in.
This is quite a cool set.

I copied this from Math week.
I was neither imaginative nor very inspired by bugs, sorry kiddo...
We used alphabets A to N instead.

We enjoyed his new dry erase board.
We use Crayola's Dry Erase Crayons instead of markers (for cleaning purposes)
He was such an artist this week.
I wrote letter 'n' and we traced it  together many times
Note: The ugly stick figure at the upper right corner is Mommy's work.
So is the cute bee & butterfly

Printout from
He used the new bright dry erase crayons on paper   =.="

We made a card for friend's fullmoon party
(We Chinese celebrate the 1 month old babies with lavish parties) 
My poor boy, painting his heart out.
Hubby commented that 'people' is probably going to toss it away like rubbish.
True, not everyone will understand art at its finest.

We love our 'chop-chop'

He dug out the IKEA plates and cups.
I tried to get him to do matching but he had better ideas.
He pretend to drink from each cup with a convincing satisfied  "Aaahhh" after each drink.

He felt very musical and raided his music drawer.
The shots are blurry cause he wouldn't stop dancing.


Chinese musical device. Cute drum thingy that Grandpa bought from China especially for the brat.
You can get anything made-in-China in Malaysia but it's the thought that counts.
So, my dear Little Tiger, please think of Grandpa as more than Grandpa.
He LOVES you to bits even if he doesn't say it.  

His 10-bucks-xylophone. (Yup, that's what we are calling it, proudly)

Mommy redeemed RM 50 from ToysRus and bought well, a lot more than that..hmm
Included in the spree is this tunnel.
He rolled, kicked, laughed, crawled & hid for an hour.

Things aren't always fun and perfect in Tiger's Tot School.

He didn't enjoy the bugs printout for the pocket chart.
We didn't do any right brain training.
He detest Little Reader at the moment.
I am afraid to put on Tweedlewink DVDs cause he will ask to do the Numbers Song from Youtube.

So there, our imperfect world that I love..

Friday, 2 December 2011


Tiger is a real good kid. Despite the fact that I always occasionally portray him in a bad light to make myself look good.

He's not just a 'dirty' kid.

He has also blossomed into a voracious 'reader' that matches his appetite for gummy bears.

These are some shots from Math Week when he was super hardworking and loved school. We are slacking a bit during Bugs Week but it's ok, we are going to have fun next week.

Lately, he has made it a habit to choose a book of his liking and bringing to me. Then he would sit in my lap as we read together. It warms my heart just thinking about it :)

For some reason, he loves this bulky nursery rhymes book.

Occasionally, he acts grown-up and brings it to his little table and 'reads' to himself.
He loves moving his finger along the print as he reads.

He looks so prim and proper here...

He thoroughly enjoyed all the books I have chosen for Math Week.
His No.1 book was this simple numbers book with bright pictures.
This was closely followed by: Please Get The Moon For Me.

Again with his favourite book.
Now he would go through all the books and give me a "All done"
Sometimes, we will go to his reading corner for more.

I love that he enjoys this little reading corner of his.
It is also Mommy's I-am-not-sleeping-Just-closing-my-eyes corner :p

This was last Sunday, immediately after he woke up from sleep.
What a nerd!

He also enjoys flipping through mommy's books.
Who said toddlers love picture books only?

Being a little monkey.
Books are for redecorating too...=.="