
Saturday, 28 July 2012

Little Dragon: 2 weeks old

Life with a newborn is basically:
  • feeding
  • diapering
  • pumping/cow-ing
  • sleeping
  • eating
  • a lot of zoning out
Then again, it also means a lot more family time which I truly appreciate...

Here's my little princess.
Please excuse the spit

The Tiger and The Dragon

A little hand holding

A big hug

That's life at the moment, it's tiring but I wouldn't trade it for anything else

<<< >>>

Yesterday, I managed to whip up a little something for Little Dragon.
It is a black-red-white mobile that took me about 10 minutes.
All it took was some foam papers and yarn.
Easy peasy!
I hung the circular foams with Tiger's old Fisher-price mobile.

Here's a shot from Little Dragon's point of view.

I was planning to create the Munari mobile but it was way out of my crafting/DIY league. 
Mine isn't prefect but Lil Dragon enjoys looking at it.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Family: She's here!!!!

Dear all, we have a new addition to our little family. My dear, sweet baby girl was born on her due date, 12th July 2012. That makes her exactly two years & one month younger than Tiger :)

I am still recuperating from the caesarean section and not quite ready to share her yet! In time, I will...

Everything is working out beautifully and I just wanted to share my gratitude and happiness that she is perfectly healthy and adorable. Right now, I am just enjoying every moment of having this tiny (2.7 kilos) little bundle of love in my arms!

Thank you for all for the well wishes and all the lovely people who took the time to visit us in the hospital. That's all for now.....we may be missing for a while until I am ready to stir the dust again!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Pregnancy: Jitters

I am still pregnant...sigh...and I have officially given up all hopes that my little girl is going to turn around for a normal vaginal delivery. Unless miracles really do happen....

There is still a good chance of delivering Lil Dragon vaginally since she is a frank breech and an average sized baby (smaller than Tiger who was 3.225 kg). Unfortunately, there is no sign of labour as yet. I am barely waddling! During our last scan, she weighed 2.8 kg with a slightly big head (it runs in my side of the family. Tiger's got a big head too). I made up my mind to wait until her due date, 12th of July.

If she wasn't a breech baby, I wouldn't mind going post date until she is ready see the world. Unfortunately, since she is not willing to make mama's life easier by coming out the usual manner, there is no need to prolong my misery or take any unnecessary risk.

Today, I will be reassessed if my cervix if favourable for induction of labour. Not commonly done for a breech pregnancy but since I was so adamant about a vaginal delivery, my poor gynaecologist had to go along with my crazy plan. I am sure he would much rather, cut, cut, suture, suture, and tell me "All done!"

If I am still not favourable, then I would opt for an elective c-section. Not my ideal birth plan but sometimes you just have have to bite your tongue and get on with it.

On the bright side, I have been pigging out to the max over the past one week with nightly mandatory suppers like McDs and burger Ramly; I ended up putting on 1 kilo! There is no longer the need to suppress my cravings in order to keep her small.

Lil Tiger's a little frustrated as well, probably influenced by my foul mood. You know how crazy it gets towards the end of the pregnancy.

There are days where he just turn into a lil monster by throwing things and slapping me. His appetite has been terrible to say the least since he is having a mild cold. Everything is ,"No nice!"

Other times, he reverts back to the lil angel that I know he is. Occasionally he would just suddenly hug my belly or lift up my shirt and claim, "Love mei-mei". Sometimes, when we are chilling out on the bed or couch, he would lift up HIS shirt and ask me to kiss his belly!

C-section or not, one thing I know for sure is hubby and Tiger is going to be there this time and that's all I need to be strong and brave.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Tot School: Montessori-Inspired Week @ 24.5 months

As usual, Tiger was very excited to see new materials on his trays.
He enjoyed most of the trays this week.

Not so much.
It is difficult to sit on the floor cross-legged or in any manner at 38 weeks..
Then again, I can't say "No" to my boy

This is the favourite tray by far.
By the end of the week, he was handling the pot with both hands and minimal spillage

His continuous obsession with the alphabets.

Enjoying his write-on Alphabet Book with Crayola markers.
I found out that he is able to trace dotted lines this week.
Funny boy trace alphabets from bottom to top...hehe..

Fraction tortoise.
He needed help with this.

No screen time week
The desktop's motherboard broke down and hubby took it back to his shop for repair.
So, we are screen-free for this week.
I kinda like it :p

Right brain
His flashcards

Other right brain materials that I keep in the file holder.
This would hold his ESP, memory games, mandala, etc.

Celebrating Grandma's birthday.
Speaking of birthdays & presents, Tiger already broke his remote control car.

Enjoying his water gun...very, very much.
Here, we were shooting bubbles from the bubble machine.
Okay, I enjoyed myself too...
The gun is a little big for his chubby toddler hands, so he shoots by palming the trigger

Next , we have the option of doing either Zoo Week or Water Fun Week
2 Teaching Mommies have a new mini Preschool pack for Water Fun.

Linking up to 1+1+1 =1