
Monday, 1 December 2014


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You guys know how much I love shopping right? 
Nothing makes me happier than being in a store that sells toys or educational material
Throw in some baby goods and maternity stuff and I am all ...
Honey, I want another baby!!

So, when Happikiddo asked us to do a review, 
I was like Yes, sure, no problem, when, where...all in one breathe.  
I am not kidding when I say they have everything for kids under one roof.
Happikiddo houses over 50 international brands with more than 10,000 products.  
I went bonkers in the HUGE outlet at Citta Mall, Ara Damansara.
What an apt name's such a happy place.
They should rename it Happimama because I was more excited than the kids!

The store's interior is very warm and welcoming 
Their helpful and friendly staff were ever ready to answer my queries. 
Come, take a look and you will see why we are so enamored.
Upon entering the store, you are greeted by the gorgeous counter laden with gifts.
To the left are racks and racks of feeding essentials.
They carry a large selection of bottles, feeding utensils, lunch bags, etc   

At the far left corner are the bath and body care products.
Besides the common Malaysian brands like Pureen, they also have 
California Baby, Mustela and Putto. No need to pay for shipping anymore...woohoo!
Oh, if you are a fan of Tanamera, guess what? They have those too!

In the clothing aisle, my Mini-shopaholic couldn't make up her mind.
So many choices, so little time!

 "I want to buy everything!"
Sigh, I totally get you, baby. 
I look like that too when papa say cannot buy everything.
You are truly my daughter.

Happikiddo carries chic maternity and nursing tops and my girl found these two fascinating.
How often do you see breastfeeding mannequins?
 "Come, I help you nen-nen"

While my girl was being all motherly and sweet, my boys were busy....being boys .
Trying out the sporting gear.
Luckily the store is spacious enough to accommodate these two. 
Behind these are the strollers and rockers.

 My favorite part of the store is....TADAAA!!!!!
I died and went to high quality toy heaven....

 Tiger was very impressed with the selection of JANOD and B. toys.
Too bad for him his papa tagged along...he was allowed to select ONE toy.
It's so tough because there were SO MANY to choose from.
He was glad they were selling kinetic sand.
He said, "Everybody should play with sand. It's really fun."
It's priced at rm259.90 for 5kg

In the end, Tiger was like,
"I don't know what to buy. You buy this room for me laaaa"

They even prepared a little play area with a play kitchen and refrigerator set up.
That occupied Dragon girl for 30 minutes while we were looking around.

Next to the play area, is this gorgeous setup.
I thought they were ceramics because they were so beautiful.

 The tableware is from RICE Denmark.
They are homaigod pretty, it's almost a crime to do anything more than stare.
They are made from food-safe melamine, so no worries.
 Some words from RICE website:
  • Melamine is not suitable for the microwave
  • Melamine can break if exposed to hard shock.
  • Please check for cracks and discard the product if any is found.
  • Over time, melamine products can age and obtain a matte finish.
  • Products with a very matte finish should be discarded.

Dragon girl's fascination with our goody bag beauties.
Montessori promotes the use of ceramics and glass, even in toddlers.
Looking at her, I can see why now. They truly appreciate beautiful things.
Having said that, I think I will just stick to melamine for now.

You're sure I am allowed to play with this?
Will break or not?
  You sure this is not ceramics?
 I am going to play right now...okay?

Since Tiger couldn't make up his mind, I helped him by purchasing this 
It is way cheaper than Lazada and much better than our hand bells.

If you are looking for Christmas gifts or you know, just in case 
 anyone wants to send us a Christmas gift, here's my wish list.
All available at a Happikiddo near you :)

B. Toys Meowsic Piano

 Hape Discovery Spaceship


This is so cool: "Hey dude, need a ride?"
I was thinking of getting this for Dragon girl...hehe.

Hape wooden refrigerator 

Some things we already have and love:

Wee Sing Children's Songs and Fingerplay


Visit a store near you today!
1. Happikiddo Citta Mall 
Lot No. F23-F25, 1st Floor, Citta Mall, Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya. 

Tel.: +603-7859 9330

2. Happikiddo Quill City Mall

Lot No. 2.26 - 2.31, 2nd Floor, Quill City Mall, 1018 Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur. 

Tel.: +603-2602 1596

3. Happikiddo Publika
Lot No. 9 Level UG 1, Publika Shopping Gallery, Solaris Dutamas, Jalan Dutamas 1, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel.: +603-6206 1830

4. Mum Over The Moon
Level G3-49, Publika Shopping Gallery.
Tel.: +603-6211 2258

Or connect with Happikiddo via:

Web: (a spanking new site will be available early 2015)
Instagram: @thehappikiddo
Twitter: @happikiddo

**For online order, you can reach Happikiddo via FB private message before the new site is up.

The good people at Happikiddo is having a BIG Giveaway!!
If you want to win something, just follow the steps and good luck!

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Christmas Crafting Time!

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It's almost Christmas!
Crazy, right?
Our tree is already up, as you can see on Instagram.
I just need a new phone for better Instagram pics :)
*wink wink wink* to hubs...hehe.

We have been spending much of our time preparing for his YAMAHA concert, 
so I did not prepare ANY Christmas trays!
So lame, I know...
Luckily for Tiger (and I), we received a My Creative BaoBei Christmas Play Bag.
With pre-packed activities, we can just grab and play :)
It comes in a lovely felt bag that you can reuse as a gift bag during Christmas.
See my son pretending to be malu-malu

"Come on, show me your giant ears"

I took out all the prepacked activities and asked him to choose one.
There were 3 products plus one free activity.

 He was immediately drawn to the glitter glue/snowflake activity.
Nothing spells FUN like messy play, you know :)
 I drew an outline with pencil since perfection is important to him.
For the designs, I referred to the pictures provided on the information leaflet.
Otherwise, they will all be round or square or diamond..hehe.

Bought this book years ago when I was still in high school! 
Pic from

The next activity took a two days because we had to roll up little balls of tissue paper.
This one is hard because you have to make a gazillion balls.
OK, I exaggerate, It was probably closer to 150.
Tiger was like, "You can do it."
"Don't talk so much. Work faster a bit."
What a pushy boss he'll make!
Purses lips.

In the end we had some 'boulders' left over and he was inspired to make a racecar.
Guess who is the lucky person who gets to fix up the car?

Last but not least, we have a Santa Clause for weaving.
He did this at snail speed over several days.
So, the activities lasted a loooong time :)



 He thinks his papa is Santa Claus because they have the same sized belly!
No lar...I take that back...must be nice for a new phone.
Because my kind, darling husband got them early Xmas presents.
*sweet smile*

There is also a felt sticker activity that we are saving for rainy days.
Image from CreativeBaobeiPlayBags

If you are interested in getting a bag for you little one, 
you can check out CreativeBaobeiPlayBags here.
They are only rm 28 each.
But wait!!!
Leave a comment here to win a Buy1Free1 promotion.
I have 3 vouchers for you to win!
This is perfect as Christmas goody bags or gifts for little kids :)
Winners will be selected randomly and announced on 5th DEC 2014
The voucher is valid till 31st December 2014.

You can follow CreativeBaobei on Facebook here
It's so yummilicious looking I feel like eating their page :p

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Play Sand vs Kinetic Sand

I wasn't going pay a king's ransom for sand, I swear.
It's peer pressure.
Sigh...I bought 5kg for rm 200 
When hubs asked about the price, I pretended I was taking a very important call.
Smart diversion is the key to marital bliss, trust me.
Otherwise slash the price of everything by at least 50%.
When they find out..."Oh..tsk tsk tsk...luckily I bought before the price went up"
If that fails, offer some bed yoga.

Tiger is a huge fan of sand play.
 So, I know my purchases will not go to waste.
I was hoping that the Kinetic sand will add another dimension of exploration and 
creativity to his play.
The important question here is...
.Is it worth the money?

Tiger's demo on cutting sand.
Halfway, he asked, "Are you sure this is sand?"
Haha...yup, it's that cool.

It's has the consistency of soft gooey dough without the wetness and stickiness of wet sand.
Like any other messy play, it stimulates the senses and I always feel very relaxed
when I am manipulating it in my hands.
Just don't think about the clean-up process while you are at it.

My little nerd boy used it for spelling words.
Here's a list of ideas for playing with Kinetic Sand
There are tons of ideas on pinterest as well

I would love to have a sand pit but they neighbours' cats will think I was being charitable
by providing free toilets.
So, our play sand is kept in a little container and they can take it out whenever they fancy some play.

I can watch them play all day long but Dragon girl doesn't like sand on her feet :)
Just like how Tiger was at her age but she's a slightly less OCD version.
After 10 minutes, she like, "Okay, all done"

Tiger on the other hand can do this for hours.
The boy who used to hate getting sand or dirt on his feet and clothes can 
now grin happily as he gets messy.

Making mama a pot of soup!

So, the 3 major differences are

1. Pricing (obviously)
rm200 for 5 kg of Kinetic Sand  vs rm30 for 10 kg of ELC play sand
(I was told to scoop from nature on our next beach holiday :p)

2. Mess level
On a scale of 1 to 10, Kinetic Sand is probably a 3
Play sand is a 9
Which is why sand is never allowed indoors

3. Creativity 
For us, they are both a valuable part of our messy play.
Kinetic Sand has an edge here because you can just create anytime
without having to add water and they are less likely to crumble.

Is it worth it?
In my honest opinion, yes.

I cannot wait for our next beach getaway :)