
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Here's my Lil Pizza 'holding' her ketchup bottle.
I thought since she is developmentally meant to be lying supine, this was perfect.
I didn't have the time to sew the toppings, so whenever she turned to the side,
the toppings fell off!

Lil Tiger (Spiderman) & Lil J, the Skeleton

I recycled last year's deco.

Lil J's skeleton suit was a little snug for him, so, after some persuasion,
dear Tiger agreed to swap.
We had to rescue Little J's birdie birdie ;p

Yummy sugary goodness...slurrpp

Little M, as Miss Spider

Big M was too busy exploring the toys, he did not want to wear his Percy costume.
 So, Tiger helped himself.

After he pooped in the skeleton suit, we reused last year's pumpkin.
A bye-bye shot before Little J went home.

This year, the kids still enjoyed doing their own things.

Tiger seemed to be craving for some brotherly love.
He tagged along with Lil J everywhere he went, watching his every move and copying.

He is a lot more verbal and friendly.
I wonder how much will change next year?

Happy Halloween!

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