
Toy Centered Learning

I came up with this idea after setting up the new reading area.
Since I have no time to go big on a certain theme, this is a time saver.

This setup also softens the blow when the kids decide that they do not like
a certain theme and choose to EVERYTHING about it.
Great for my sanity.
Most of it are our own books since I love nothing more than buying books.
Or I may have some books from The Children's Library
If I do not have enough books one the topic, I will use poems and songs.

I make it a point to read the title, author and illustrator of the book.
Read in a sing-song voice. Better yet, sing it out.
Pretend to be a different character while reading.
 For example, a man, a mouse, a fairy, a dragon, a frog, etc.
Use puppets/props to bring a different dimension.
Act out the scene
Create an art or craft inspired by the story

Most importantly, create a toy centered theme based on the child's interest!
Why bother in something they won't even look at?

Our reading area, hard at work :)

So far, we have covered these themes. I will be adding to the list as we go along.
Puzzle from Melissa and Doug

EQB Tiger. Read about it here

Moon & Space
Moon balancing toy, a gift

Miniature animals according to Bad-tempered ladybird storyline

Mama's kindergarten concert picture :)

Halloween hat from last year's party

Lighted Jack-O-Lantern
All the books from Big Bad Wolf :)

More to come.......

In the meantime, have fun, be creative.
Happy reading and learning!


  1. love your concept! thanks for sharing!! :)

  2. that's wonderful idea Jessica ! , I'm gonna set them at my home right away :) thanks for sharing

  3. hi, may i know how often do you change a theme?

    1. Hi Pearlyn,

      I change it whenever the kids ask for a new one, when they have completed all the books or when they totally ignore my effort :) Of course when I am feeling creative which is not very often :p


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