
Sunday, 14 August 2011

Tot School: D is for Dinosaur Week

“Un”Schooling Little Tiger Week 4 (1st -8th August 2011) @ 13.5 months
Alphabet: D is for dinosaur
Theme: shapes

Love affair with Alphie
Alphabet: tracing with finger
Alphie the robot (love)
Touch and feel alphabet
Foam alphabet

Little Reader

Books on Dinosaur:

Sticker dinosaur book
Sliding dinosaur book
How do dinosaurs ____?
Where's Spot (D is for dog too!)
Can put books back in basket/rack when instructed J

Little Math by Brillkid
Skip counting by 2. (I printed some mini dinos and stuck it to the Doman cards)

Dinosaur song (youtube) Love this!!

D is for dinosaur
Do a Dot
Trace the line

Dinosaur Sensory Tub
Consist of:
1. dinosaurs figurines
2. all shades of green pom-poms, porcupine rubber balls with small bowl for transfering
3. miniature trees (Tiger like this more than the dinosaurs!!)
4. dishwashing sponges
5. square and triangular pieces of not-too-small green corrugated, foam and plain papers
*Nothing too small to prevent choking as he still mouthing occasionally and teething
**Teaches rough & smooth, big & small, heavy& light, and just plain fun!!
Loving my 1st tub!!

Art  & craft
Sticking foam cut outs with glue

Foam Dino
Dinosaur cutout
Card for Jayden's birthday

Flashcard/Right brain
Homemade: dinosaurs
Linking Memory
Space memory

Animal Kingdom: Vertebrates

Tot tray

1.       Mini Knobbed cylinder (sensorial)
2.       Transfer egg onto palette (gross motor: palmar grasp)
3.       Inserting mini spoons into old raisin tin (pincer grasp)
4.       Melissa &Doug ABC blocks (stacking about 3-4 blocks)
5.       Puzzles: dog and numbers


Completed and loved Odonata: 1st book: Pai chiu (ball). Calls the character ge ge & jie jie

Melissa and Doug Shape Puzzle
Printout from 1+1+1 for matching with various objects

Country of the week: Singapore
My ppt on Singapore : here
Putting tiny  'car' sticker on country of the week
I am linking up to Carisa's Tot School. Do check out her blog for more ideas here:

We have linked up to Our Country Road's pinterest Tuesday as well:

In case anybody's wondering where's Week 1,2 and 3 of Tot school, it's not available as I didn't take any photos. Haven't decided to share Little Tiger then :)

If you have any questions or suggestions, just leave a comment or pm me.


  1. You have an adorable dinosaur sensory box, and I love your Tot School shelf. So nicely organized!

    I hope you will add your post to my link up party, Pinterest Tuesday. I think that other moms would be interested in pinning some of your cute ideas!

  2. Hi Our Country Road,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such wonderful comments :)
    I love your blog and your oh-so-adorable children. I've linked up to pinterest Tuesday but linky was acting up. It linked twice. Sorry.
    Oh, and I couldn't leave a comment as well.

  3. Hi, how you prevent your small kids to mess up your shelf ? i have a small shelf for my 14.5 months baby as well, but she will usually stand / sit there to take all the things out , and mess it on the floor :(

  4. Hi, yeeyeemama

    Hmmm, my kiddo has OCD like me. I think. He always sees me piking up things, I guess.

    One of the first things I taught him was to kiss and 'sayang' (love) all his things. Tiger love to arrange things but he is destructive once in a while. I think it's normal for them to explore. Once they are bored of it, they will stop.
    There are also some behind the scene mess that is not on camera..haha. Will post that soon to show that TIger is a normal kid too :)

  5. Jessica, you got a neat baby. My baby is destructive most of the time, she will throw all her toys when she has bored with it or when she is 'angry' :(

  6. Hi yeeyeemama,

    Tiger's also destructive at times but not too often. He has mild OCD, like me. So, we pick up things together.

    I find that learning to sign early helped tremendously because he is less frustrated when he can tell us what he wants. He started signing at 6 month old. I just learned from youtube, never attended any classes. Now, he makes up his own signs.

    How I wish I can tell everyone to teach their baby signing.

    Also, every baby has different temperament. Don't get frustrated and don't give up!

  7. Hi Jessica,

    Really nice to find your blog. :) As i love to read tot school blogs to get more and more ideas to teach my kids.

    The best is you are from Malaysia also, happy happy. :) I like your sensory tub, i'm thinking to have one for my girl also but never take another step to do it... :) Will drop by more often to your blog.


  8. Hi Jessica,

    You have an awesome blog. Kudos to you for all the work you put in for the tot trays. I have a request, you mentioned that you started using tot trays with Tiger when he was a year old. Do you mind sharing what you did at that time, and any montessori ideas you used before he turned a year old. Do you have any suggestion for newbies starting out with tot trays(my kids are a year old).


    1. Hi San,

      Thanks *blush*

      I was thinking about your question regarding stuff we did and seriously I couldn't recall :P
      One of the reasons I started blogging was there were too much stuff to put in my little brain.

      Lucikily, I found some pictures dated around the time he was 1 yr old..hehe...and looking back, they brought back such memories, so i wrote a new post so that you can see the pictures :)
      and I won't forget.


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