
Sunday, 21 August 2011

First trip to an indoor playground!!

Last Sunday, we took a trip to Kid's E World at Gardens Mall, Midvalley City. Tiger Daddy battled an hour of traffic in the shopping mall parking.

It was totally worth it because Little Tiger thoroughly enjoyed himself. It was his first indoor playground experience! He was SUPER excited from the moment we entered.

Picture from Kid's E World
Posing on the moving ship. Tiger love anything with a steering wheel.
Had to pry him off the ship. Ain't paying RM 50 for a ship ride...
With Daddy on the giant slide

Tiger licked all the balls in the pit 
Seriously, this kiddo has an issue with OCD. Half the time he was picking up the balls and arranging the giant blocks and rockers.

Are we going back? You bet. As soon as mummy's bum bum don't hurt so much. Age is catching up..

1 comment:

  1. haha, Jess... so THIS is E World! In Gardens summore, I live like 5 minutes away from Midvalley, and didn't know about this!... Terrible! ... should go soon, during this Raya break perhaps....
    Hopefully not crowded with most peeps "balik kampung"...


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