
Friday, 12 August 2011

Shopping for Tiger

Planned puchases for August 2011: Wooden Train set with Table.  Isn't it lovely? I have been searching for a train set since the birth of Tiger. This is only RM 240. Can't wait to get my hands on it but must keep for Train/Transportation theme.

Already purchased item: Reader pen in chinese (also has English component as well). RM 450. Made in China. Worth it? Since I can't read Chinese very well, this is the way to go. Used it once, Tiger loved it but tried destroying the paperbacks. Think I said "Must be gentle" about 200 times.
Consist of:
猫头鹰点读笔 1支 (Learning Pen)
数据线、充电器, CONVERTER 1条 (USB Port. Charger& Converter )
MP3卡、说明书、保修卡、合格证 各1张
(MP3 Player card. ManualBook, Warranty Card,QC card)
学前识字--初级 1本 (Chinese word Learning- Beginner )
学前识字--中级 1本(Chinese word Learning- Intermediate )
学前识字--高级 1本(Chinese word Learning- Advance )
迪士尼900词A(含光盘) 1本 (Disney Picture Dictionary A with VCD)
迪士尼900词B(含光盘) 1本 (Disney Picture Dictionary A with VCD)
迪士尼900词C(含光盘) 1本(Disney Picture Dictionary A with VCD)
世界经典故事1(好学宝版) 1本 (Story Book-English/Chinese)
世界经典故事2(好学宝版) 1本 (Story Book-English/Chinese)
世界经典故事3(好学宝版) 1本(Story Book-English/Chinese)
世界经典故事4(好学宝版) 1本(Story Book-English/Chinese)
世界经典故事5(好学宝版) 1本(Story Book-English/Chinese)
世界经典故事6(好学宝版) 1本(Story Book-English/Chinese)
世界经典故事7(好学宝版) 1本(Story Book-English/Chinese)
世界经典故事8(好学宝版) 1本(Story Book-English/Chinese)
4-8岁家教常识、礼包使用手册 各1本 (Teaching Guideline )
音乐电子琴、专用图书宣传单 各1张(Music Card /Book List)
挂图-认物(动物/乐器) 1张 (Poster animals/music)
挂图-伟大的祖国(世界地图、国旗) 1张(Poster- WorldMap/Flag)
挂图-标志(交通标志/日常标志) 1张(Poster- Transport/Signboard)
挂图-季节/节日 1张 (Poster –Season/Month)
挂图-颜色形状/食品 1张(Poster-Shape/Food)
挂图-数字(1~10/加减法口诀表) 1张(Poster –Mathematic/Numbers)
好学宝多功能点读版 各1 (价值RM128) (Multipurpose CardBoard worth RM128)
可以录音 (Record Sound)

Sometimes I wonder how much parents spend for their children every month. Me? At least RM 1000, not inclusive of milk and disposable diapers. Yes, I think I have a problem. Do I want to fix it? Not really. I just want to spoil love my Little Tiger while he is all cute and cuddly. I love you so much baby. I think the Title: 'Shopping for Tiger' will appear very often..wakeke. Maybe I should make my blog work harder for extra income..hmm...get some sponsors...


  1. where did you get the train set? I have been searching for long time for my son...

    1. HI, Fion

      I got it from this shop directly. RM 240 is the wholesale price, umm because I am such a shopholic not that I sell anything. They are selling it at rm280 minus postage.!/photo.php?fbid=261757703836848&set=a.247173818628570.73083.245796062099679&type=3&theater

  2. hi Jessica, can I check where you got the reader pen please? thanks.Linda

    1. Hi, I got it from this online store at Facebook called Gift2kids.


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