
Sunday, 18 September 2011

Tot School: H is For Hammer

‘Un’schooling Tiger Week 8 (11th- 19th Sept) @ 15 months

Alphabet:H is for Hammer
Theme: Carpentry Tools

I love linking to Tot School. Makes me feel obligated to 'report' our learning and move my lazy bum.

Left cupboard (top to bottom):
1. Basket: for right brain material & finished work
2. Nuts and Bolts
3. Used raisin can with silt to insert mini spoons
4. Tools puzzle
Right cupboard (top to bottom)
1. Letter H flashcards and sandpaper letter and alphabet box
2. i.M&D stacker
    ii. Cute sliding puzzle.
3. Wooden tools set

Tiger didn't really enjoy the Tot trays this week. The shapes sensory box was too distracting.

This is his No.1 activity, also the cheapest on the shelf.
Funny how the cheapest is always the favourite.
Just some mini spoons and a recycled can.

This is a close second. Love this picture :)

He was determined to stack everything up despite failing numerous times. So, I helped.

Quite a feat since it was taller than him. Bravo, kiddo.  
(I try not to praise in front of Tiger. He is already a praise junkie)

He wasn't able to screw the nuts & bolts yet, so he ended up stacking instead.
Of course, he was pissed when they wouldn't stack properly.

 Playing with Letter H

Learning phonics from 'a to h'

Playing with the tools puzzle. (This is from Fun & Cheer. About RM 8)
Exact copy from M&D
Used the hammer and tools to knock his head

Playing with his wooden hammer

See the sour face?
He didn't want to play with the wrench but I forced him to.
Wahahaha, I am mean, I know.

World Studies:
Country: Iran
Language: Persian

Making sure Mommy put on the right flag. It says Iran in chinese on the back.

Skip counting by four:

I was too lazy to change the math spots, so we are still stuck at four :p


These week we used work sheets from: here
Just to share how cute her worksheets are:
Thank you for the freebie :)
tools tot pack

When you got lotsa work to do and one hand isn't enough..

 Stamping with Crayola beginnings

Drawing with markers:


He didn't like the books I selected or made. (I didn't want to use Handy Manny. I hate character books)
Created his own reading corner between the bookshelf and tot tray. Too cute!!!

Here are some pictures of Tiger enjoying school:


Dancing to the damn shapes song.
Tiger can boogie even when he is sitting :)
If there is one thing in life I regretted, it would be this song.
Try listening to it 20 times, non-stop.

It's a wrap. On to 'I for Ice cream and cold stuff' this week. YAY!!! Hehe, I think I am happier than Tiger.


  1. Great blog, thanks for sharing your ideas. I was just wondering where you keep your shelf with your trays? I have a little guy your age, and I am not sure how to organize it all. He has a play room, but I am worried he will be to distracted by everything else, but I don't really have another place to set up. Any suggestions or thoughts from your experience?

  2. Hi Megan,

    Thanks for stopping by. I keep the Tot trays in his study room. He's only allowed in there under supervision. And he loves it because it is out of bound. Here's the link if you're interested.

    Toys are not allowed :)That keeps the distractions to a minimum. I have tried doing this in the living area but it flopped, big time.

    Maybe you can move the playroom out and use it as a study instead?
    Hope that helps

  3. Your 'school' work is always so inspirational! I need to make me some of those sandpaper letters! I only wish I had the space you have! Nikki's 'school' bits are stored in my desk and carried through to his bedroom - I can't put up many posters because there is no place to put them! It makes lessons an organizational nightmare!

  4. HI Ali,

    Thanks, that's so kind of you. Ah, space, what will I do without it? Tiger's slowly but surely taking over the house :)


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