
Thursday, 15 September 2011

Toys: DIY Play Kitchen

It's another Public Holiday in Malaysia. Yes, we have tons of holidays throughout the year. It's the land of party people and good food. Unfortunately, I am working and that's why I am blogging today. *sob sob*.

I stayed up late last night to rotate Tiger's toys and I just wanted to share some ideas.
I love my Tiger's train table. This is why:

I bought this sometime ago:

That I converted into a farm:

And then into this. Tadaa!! A simple & cheapo play kitchen

Developmentally, Tiger isn't suppose to pretend play yet but he likes to bang pots and pans together, stir spoons, basically make a lot of noise. Maybe I'get a real play kitchen later if I have a little girl...hehe.

In the mean time, I collected things from around the house to make this. As most of it will end up on the floor and around the house, I kept it in his playroom. First, I wrapped the table top with a squishy silver foil thingy from Daiso.

This is the cooking section:
Things in the picture (top to bottom):
1. Ikea spice/book rack from study room
2. Recycled sound and smell bottles filled with different materials
3. Old Enfapro can to hold utensils, eg. egg beater, ice scoop, tongs, etc
4. Mini pots from Ikea
5. Small sauce pot. (Will start dry pouring this week)
6. 'Stove' drawn on a box

Food preparation area:

Things in picture (clockwise from upper right):
1. Basket with felt fruits
2. Playdough alphabet moulds to make alphabet soup :)
3. Wooden vegetable to cut
4. Chopping board and wooden knife
5. Some plastic plates and cups to serve Mommy with yummy food
6. Mini pans

This is a child apron, also from Daiso.
All I need now is a chef's hat.

How I love doing this! Can't wait to see Tiger's reaction :)

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