
Monday, 31 October 2011

Halloween Party!!!

Happy Halloween everyone!!

We celebrated on Friday night, 28th October 2011.

Party Theme: Pumpkins

Our simple Halloween decorations
Little Tiger called the spiders 'kaka'  ^.^ 

Fake spider web

Mommy aka Tiger's classmate
 Little Tiger aka Little Pumpkin

Little J the Purple spider and Mommy spider 

Mommy Melanie with Little M

Mommy Melanie with Big M

Prettichubbi and Mommy (My dear sister)

Group shot: Missing a skeleton
Little pumpkin, Cutest lamb lamb, Purple Spider

The skeleton was late

Halloween Sensory bag
Ziplock filled with clear hair gel dyed orange
2 rubber spiders
2 porcupine balls

Halloween Sensory Bin


 The kids actually 'shared' the bin
No blood or tears..phew

 Matching the pumpkin to shapes
Printed from

 The 7 month old loved it!!
Tiger is teaching 'mei mei'
Gosh, this shot is priceless...

Little Tiger even found time to practice writing ^.^

Little J with the sticker activity
Printed from

The yummilicious food 
Special order Halloween cupcakes
We googled the designs

Aunty Shron made us this delicious meal
We had curry chicken, fried meehoon, chicken fingers, sandwiches and jelly. 

We had so much fun!!
Are we doing it again next year? 
You betcha!! Bigger and better too ^.^


 **Thanks to Aunty Sharon for the gorgeous pics. Muaks!!!**


  1. Fun! Fun! Fun! I love the decorations, the costumes, the activities, and the food! You put together a perfect party. Thank you for sharing.
    Discovering Montessori

  2. Gorgeous photos! You did an amazing job, as I knew you would!

  3. I love your sensory bag! What a cool idea! I had a little pumpkin this year, too :)

  4. Hi guys,

    Thanks so much for your lovely comments ^.^
    We had a blast!!


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