Damn those posters of women with beautiful breasts cuddling their babies!
First of all you will actually look like crap after pushing and puffing for hours. You will not have a serene smile when you are breastfeeding with chapped nipples. Then your boobs will be engorged and painful. Not sexy at all.
This was how much I pumped one morning when I was dehydrated. I really need to keep an eye on my water intake or I am going to lose it. I still have my Domperidone stash for a milky boost should I decide to continue to breastfeed.
So, ladies, if you know anyone who is struggling with breastfeeding, here are some links that I wished I had known then:
Top three breastfeeding websites:
Breastfeeding.com (http://www.breastfeeding.com)
This site has provided breastfeeding information and support written by experienced mothers and professionals since 1998.
KellyMom (http://kellymom.com) is owned and operated by Kelly Bonyata, who is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
La Leche League International (http://www.llli.org) is a well-known comprehensive Web site devoted to providing breastfeeding resources for the public and health professionals.
Other Popular Web Sites
BabyCenter (http://www.babycenter.com)
Breastfeeding Basics (http://www.breastfeedingbasics.com)
Medela (http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com)
Phone applications:
Breastfeeding Management 2 (http://massbreastfeeding.org).
Provides helpful resources, including an Approach to Early Breastfeeding algorithm for the first 2 weeks of breastfeeding.
Text4baby (http://www.text4baby.org)
Free mobile health information service with prenatal and baby care information, including breastfeeding.
Baby Tracker (http://www.andesigned.net/nursing.htm)
iLetDown (http://www.attachmentcomputing.com/apps/iletdown),
Designed to stimulate the let-down reflex for women who are expressing milk at work (or in other environments) while they are away from the baby. Users can upload their baby's picture and select audio sounds that simulate a hungry baby.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (http://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding)
Medline Plus (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/breastfeeding.html)
National Women's Health and Information Center (http://www.womenshealth.gov/Breastfeeding)
PubMed (http://www.pubmed.org)
Cochrane Collaboration (http://www.cochrane.org)
Trip Database (http://www.tripdatabase.com)
Simplified from:
The Digital Age: Top Breastfeeding Resources: Are You Doing it Right? by Jennifer P. D'Auria, PhD, RN, CPNP
Does Tiger only take expressed milk? I found that I seem to produce more when nursing than when expressing. Or at least I could nurse for 10 minutes despite expressing next to nothing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the links :) I never had problems feeding, so I didn't go on the La Leche site before, but now I have and it makes me feel like less of a wierdo for still nursing a two year old. Everyone keeps asking me when I'm going to stop, as he is 'too old' now - it is nice to be reminded that there are others doing the same as me!
Hi Ali,
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late reply. Yup, the lil rascal only takes expressed milk...hence the low supply. I assume he doesn't like my boobs.
In Malaysia, most Malays mothers practise extended breastfeeding. It's perfectly normal to nurse for as long as you did. I have seen 4 to 5 year-olds running around and then put their heads into their mamas' shirts for a little refreshment!!
You might wanna go into this group...