
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Mini Bugs Bin

Since I am a Lazy Mama these days, most things come in mini versions. They are cuter too, like mini poodle, Mini Cooper, etc.

Also, most themes are extended two weeks cause umm....we want to have a better understanding of whatever we are doing. (Tiger would roll his eyes, if he could)

I was wasn't planning to do a bin of any sort (coz again, I am lazy) but the brat didn't want to do 'match-ze-inzect-to-ze-flashcards'. So, I had to get sleazy
I just grabbed whatever was within reach and threw it together. The kiddo was tricked and he loved it.


Here's the Bugs Bin (after Tiger attacked it, I swear it was prettier):

A just expired bag of spiral pasta & rubber bugs.
I used a small box as the usual container would require a few bags of pasta.
Besides, 1 bag is already more than enough for clean up time.
Believe me, there is a lot of cleaning up with just 1 bag.

The bin had his undivided attention for 30 minutes.
He did lots of scooping.

...and scooped till he was bored.

Then, he developed a love for pom-poms out of the blue.

When I say, "Bugs bin?"
He replied, "gibberish" and added his whining and leg stomping drama.

Of course he got what he wanted: not 1 but 2 boxes of pom-pom
He filled up the entire can, no joke...
Well, it was good practice for his pincer grip

Then he decided that Mommy needed to do some sorting and the bin was too bland.
So, graciously, he tipped the pom-poms into the bin.
Then, he looked at me with menace and did an evil laugh.
Or did I imagine it as my eyes tear up?

Then, he did some transferring before he quickly thought of more work for Mommy

 "I think I'll just scoop it across the room...Muahahahaha"

Then he stepped on them for that delicious cracking sound...
Lots of sensory fun for him and more work for lazy mommy..
Serves me right for being sluggish...

We love messy play, don't you?

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