
Monday, 9 January 2012

Art & Craft: Making Chinese New Year Cards

Monday nights are Tweedlewink nights but that didn't stop him from schooling @ home   ^.^

His girlfriend played truant last night but Tiger had a new classmate. A sweet 20 month old boy. The boy was accompanied by his father. Halfway through the class, the boy started crying for his mother. Guess what my busybody son did?
He looked at the boy, tilted his head and pointed at ME.
Then he shouted, "Neeeeh (there). Mama."
Apparently, I am for sharing too, not just his toys. Now I am 100 percent convinced that there will not be any sibling rivalry with Little Dragon's arrival. Aaahhh, I just have to admire this little tot's big heart. Did I smother him with kisses after that? You betcha!

At home, Nerd Boy requested for "Up"
So, UP we went and did some trays
His fav will have to be this ornamental tree
He had some difficulty separating the tiny strings and requested for help.
When he completed his task, he picked up the tree and did a victory dance ^.^

After a few more trays, we moved on to our CNY crafts.
My initial plan was to make a hand print dragon but the little brat wouldn't let me trace his hand.
Instead, he snatched the pencil and started scribbling writing on the folded papers.
Therefore, we switched to Plan B and made CNY cards for Grandma, Po Po and Kung Kung.

See how gracefully he is holding the pencil?
He he...yeah, I am showing off...
He also insisted to parade his ornamental tree on his desk.
Of course, his bestie, Mr Dragon have to hang around.

After a milk break, we were back at 10.30 pm for another half hour of work before bedtime.
This time, he decided to use his Pip Squeaks markers.
Please ignore the fatty Daddy in the background.

Asking for my contribution.
I usually don't interrupt unless necessary, so that his work is all Tiger.

Then we put on his IKEA smock and decided it was time for some bling bling
He experimented with some glitter glue and
 he LOVED it!

The finished cards: The front.

The insides: His greetings in toddler language :)

Now I just have to get some envelopes and seal it with love  ^.^

@@@ 13 days to Chinese New Year@@@

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