
Wednesday, 28 March 2012

DIY: Felt Planets

We have not been schooling since I came back from the annual honeymoon trip with Hubs. A lot of messy play outdoors after Mommy's work day but no theme work as yet.

I was thinking about what to do next and decided to follow Tiger's interest. His favourite song for the past two weeks is still The Solar System Song. (Warning: This is a super sleep-inducing song. I have no idea why he loves it so). So, we are doing S for Star and Space Theme next which explains the manic Space ideas pinning. One of my favourite idea was the hand sewn felt planets from Counting Coconuts.

Now, I love it when Tiger learns from singing and he enjoys himself even more so with props. So, the not-so-crafty-mama had to do this even if it destroys a few finger tips. ^.^

Our DIY Felt Planets
Not the prettiest but it's the thought that counts, right?
Jupiter (lower row, left) looks like a jelly donut

I was sewing frantically so that he could have it before bedtime. Guess what, he threw the tiny Mercury at Daddy in the bathroom  =.="

Whose kid is this?

Maybe I have to present the planets in a better manner, like a Space Sensory Bin?  ^.^

If you are interested in making your own Solar System, here's what you will need:

Felt pieces: From Daiso

I used mostly different fillers for most planets:
Styrofoam balls (Daiso)
makeup sponges
art sponges
plastic bags (for crinkly effect ala Lamaze toys)
bells (Sun only)
cotton balls
wooden beads

*I used his stacking cups to roughly estimate the sizes.

Update: Tiger can name the planets simply because he loves the song and the felt planets soooo much! Who said you have to be Mensa-smart to do that?


  1. Hi Jessica, may I know if you bought any of the tweedle wink DVD for little tiger? Is it a good investment? Thank you.

    1. I do own the whole set but sadly, like my brillkid software, these are overpaid but underused stuff. The TW DVDs are currently with my sis, hopefully put to better use. There are children who truly enjoy these stuff but tiger's just not one of them. If you search TW on brillkid forum, you will find a lot of positive reviews. Best advise, download a sample of lesson 1 from YouTube and try it on your child to see his/her response. The tw welcome and thank you songs are available on YouTube too.

  2. hi jessica,
    i had a set of TW DVD too (hands down). been playing for my boy since 9 months old. he's now 10mo.
    lately he has been displaying less interest in the disc. not sure if it's right to play it for him at such age.

    1. Tiger did not like them too..he prefers non-screen activities :)

      Dragon, worse. Didnt even glance at it


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