
Monday, 14 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day 2012

Happy Mother's Day y'all....

I hope everyone who's a mommy got a well deserved day of appreciation :)

Here's our story:

Little Tiger got Mommy up bright and early.
He is my personal weekend alarm clock. Usually goes off at 0830Hr.
Mother's Day was no exception :)

He suggested insisted on painting and swimming.
I thought hmmm, why not train him to do more housework?
It is Mother's Day.

So, we took out his Thomas ride-on and gave it a good rub-a-dub.
I mixed some baby shampoo and yellow finger paint into his soap dispenser.
(the paint is just for fun)
Here's my hard worker, covering every inch of the Thomas

He has been asking for water in the sauce container practically every night.
So, I had to let him use it to 'hose' down the ride.
More time consuming but definitely fine work.

The ride was squeaky clean after that :)
I bathe him outdoors while waiting for Popo and my sis to drop by for breakfast.
Besides, Prettichubbi would be late anyway...

Tiger and Mommy's SPECIAL Mother's Day card for popo
The 'day' was covered in gold dust which Tiger LOVED.

Prettichubbi and Mommy.
My little sweetheart signing "Hi"

Little Prettichubbi looks more & more like her Mommy already...
Too cute, this fatty bom bom...

Tiger and Mommy
Note to self: Look anaemic, please be more compliant to your haematinics!

 We had to include Daddy in a pic since he was paying for the meal :p

We love you so very very much..
PS: A bald spot is ruining the picture...hee hee

Aaaahh, I love my family.....
unfortunately, black aunty was not in any pic...wahaha, did I mention I love you too, Momo?

 At night, we had yummy steamboat dinner with Grandma Nai nai, so everyone was part of the special day


  1. Ashleyprettymummy15 May 2012 at 00:34

    Thanks little Tiger for cleaning up the ride.....Prettichubby will love to ride it....haha


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