I have lost count of the times he asked for painting during my confinement period.
Now that we are back in business,
we gathered his bottles of paint, stencils and brushes for some messy art goodness.
Boy, was he excited!
Yes, you may stack the bottles while Mommy was reaching for the camera..
Mommy's not required to squeeze out the paint anymore.
He loves doing this by himself.
Must be the ever growing sense of independence.
One day, he is going to stop saying, "Mama, help"
Sob, sob...
Please excuse me, feeling a little nostalgic at the moment.
I love the concentration these activities demand.
What a fun way to learn about the animals too.
I was a little surprised that he could name them with just the outline.
I was a little surprised that he could name them with just the outline.
He chose to paint with the animals, alphabet, shape stencils.
No prize for guessing his favourite piece of 'art'
Yes, you may paint on the floor too..
I give Tiger a lot of freedom and space when it comes his art materials.
All of his paint, crayons, markers, chalk & papers are within his reach.
He has never tried to scribble on the walls or strewn his material all over.
I respect his needs and in turn, he respects his belongings.
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A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.
He does such a good job with the paint! So grown up! My son still thinks it is tasty! I also wanted to let you know I nominated you for a Liebster Award. http://memorizingthemoments.blogspot.com/2012/09/liebster-blog.html