
Monday, 1 October 2012

Fine Motor: Tweezing

Once a upon a time, we had a lot of sensory bins.

I was itching to make one for Tiger.
With money and time saving strategy in mind,
I recycled materials from his first sensory bin, The Dinosaur Bin.

Miniature dinosaurs (he loves these)
Poms poms
pieces of green papers (of different materials)

Motive: Tweezing

Playing with the Ipad A LOT during the break kinda screwed up his pincer grip.
Yes, yes, guilty as charged....sigh...

So, I wasn't sure he could do this.
With a little hug and encouragement...lo and behold, my boy can tweeze!
I made it into a game by asking him to avoid touching any of the dinosaurs.

Left hand

Right hand

As part of his right/whole brain learning, I encourage him to use both hands all the time.
Kinda like Brain Gym concept at home.
During our last Ditoso class, his teacher asked if he was left handed ^.^
Tweezing pom-poms

Imaginary play with dinosaurs.
He was saying, "ROAR, bite mama!"
Yeah, well...

This was his reaction when I asked for a kiss.

I have to smother him with kisses more often!


  1. hey jessica, glad to see you back in action :) and im back too with my questions :)

    where did u get the tweezer? mothercare?
    KK is really crap. i swear i have hunted for it in every corner here but couldnt find a toy tweezer. i ended up using the metal tweezer for arts/sewing.
    thanks :)

    1. Hi girl,

      I am glad to be back too :)

      I couldn't find them anywhere too. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough?

      The blue tweezers in the pics are from the disposable sterile packs used for dressing that I ermm, took from the hospital. There are 3 tweezers in each pack, I took 1 only, not so bad right? :p They worked well enough.

  2. we missed u! :)

    oh wow! thats good news! i shall hunt for it too then. dont worry, i take lots of things home from the hosp too! all the empty medicine bottles and etc ;)

    thanks! ;)


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