
Thursday, 27 December 2012

Tot School: Pre-Christmas Week

We did some crafty stuff because I pinned some ideas
and I didn't want to be a pin-but-no-do person.

I printed a Santa from Google image and he went to work
with glue, Styrofoam peanuts and cotton.

 A simple wreath with Styrofoam peanuts.
Since he was so in love with gluing, I ditched the initial plan of glitter and shapes.

Or it could be a mask...

One of his favourite activity involves chalk and blackboard:
"Mama write"

Demonstrating H is for Happy

Still in the alphabet-craze phase.
All it took was a RM 1 alphabet sticker to get him to sit still for 20 minutes.

He seemed interested in time and clock, so I introduced the concept of time to him.  
We used a Hickory Dickory Dock puzzle + book from the Big Bad Wolf Sale
and a cheap clock model that he can manipulate easily.

 He was seen playing with this for the rest of the week.

Currently, his other obsessions include:

Video-taking himself on my new phone (Yay!) and laughing at himself.

Bullying Lil Dragon

Screaming for no reason


  1. Looks like Little Tiger is having fun with the mask! Can i ask - where do you usually get the craft or project materials? We don't seem to have that many in Singapore popular bookstores...

    1. Hi girl,

      I usually buy mine from ELC, craft shops and Daiso. POPULAR bookstores in Malaysia are carrying more crafty stuff too like pom-poms, stickers, DIY materials. Mostly for older children but Tiger loves painting and I really spend quite a bit on purchasing materials like finger paint, brushes,etc for him. His fav is actually doodling and painting in the shower. I like it too since it meant that he is cleaning up ;)


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