
Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Messy Play: Scented Sand Sensory Box

First of all, I am so thrilled that Tiger has finally accepted sand as 'clean'
He is okay with touching it but sitting in a sand pit is still a big no-no.
So, it would be pointless to buy a sand pit with cover.
They are freaking expensive. 

Instead, we used an IKEA Antonius box with lid for our sand play.
It is just the right size too for 500 gm of sand.
A lid is especially important if you don't want the cat to think its a litter box.
We speak from experience.

The initial game plan was to play archaeologist.
Tiger was like, "Arrrr what?"
"No nice"

So, we added dinosaurs and things from the garden.
The strands of pandan leaves gave the sand a lovely scent.
Pandan is an aromatic plant used in Southeast Asia cooking.
We may use this to scent everything else :)


We were busy scooping when it started raining halfway.
Tiger had the most urgent need to wash the gardening tools

He also decided that you only live once and playing in the rain is part of his bucket list.
Mommy agrees.

Can you tell we are so enjoying 'classes' outdoors?

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