
Sunday, 10 March 2013

Potty Training: Purple poop

One evening, I asked Tiger, "When are you going to use the potty?"
How can any normal child refuse this super cute potty?

He simply replied, "No
and ran to MIL for cover/protection like I was some mean potty police.

MIL hugged him and replied, 
"Aiyah, nevermind la. Let him wear diapers la. 
There was a kid in kindergarten who wore till 6 years old."

Errr, NOT FUNNY!!!! SIX? Might as well wear to college??!!??? I just announced to everyone within the firing range that "You can buy the diapers from today onwards. I am not going to spend my money on diapers for him anymore." Then I walked away and went upstairs, ignoring Tiger's cries.

The next day, MIL started training him! Woot! Woot!

See? Sometimes you just need to show your Tiger Mom stripes. Otherwise, people will think you are a cute, fluffy kitten.

Day 1: Accidents will happen.
He peed once on the floor and once at the new bench hubs bought. Twice he made it to the toilet.
Then he requested for diapers, which was necessary for pooping. *roll eyes*

Day 2: Requested for diapers again. Grandma obliged. *roll eyes*

Day 3: I was home for the weekend. I told him no diapers and he peed into the potty every single time :)

Day 4: He couldn't pee into the diapers except during nap time. Success!

Pooping is a different matter. You see, Tiger is a clean freak. After he pooped a small blob into the potty, he starting yelling," Aaahhh, ta pian (pooping in chinese). So dirty! Green colour....aaahhhh"

He started crying and shouting that he doesn't want to use the potty. Yuck. Dirty. Wash. Throw....whatever! Of course, he threw a tantrum and it worsened when he got poop all over his limbs..

After a shower he calmed down. I asked him, "Why cannot ta pian in potty?"

He replied, "Ta pian green colour. Dirty"

"Then, what colour you want? Everyone's ta pian is green or brown!"

He looked at me seriously and replied, "I want purple ta pian"

Oh God, how am I going to do that?

FYI, we have these:

Cushioned toilet seat for his Royal Highness's butt

Nope, not nice!

So, crazy mom bought this type:


Again, not nice.

In the end, he used the one we had all along.

Used in all Chinese marriages....the famous RED potty.


  1. Beets result in a red color that can sometimes look purple-ish. good luck!

    1. I thought of using that but Tiger has developed an icky taste towards beets, potatoes and such. Maybe I just fill the potty with purple food colour :p

  2. I was going to suggest beets, too. Darn!

  3. Hi! Where did you get your red potty from? Do you know if these can be bought in the UK? Thanks for your help!

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