
Friday, 16 August 2013

Raya Break 2013 @ Avillion Port Dickson

I love, love, love this place.

Forget the fact that the bathroom looks fit for Fifty Shades of Grey,...hmmm, if only....hahaha...

What was I talking about?
Oh...the bathroom. Still thinking about the book
If you lean over the railing, you can see the sea! I would go back just for the bathroom.

Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
On the way to PD, we stopped at Seremban town for brunch.
Hubs wanted to have the famous beef noodle at the Pasar Besar
but the estimated waiting time? 1 hour
Tak jadi la.
The best part about eating in an old place?
The coffee. Good old kopitiam coffee.
I had 2 cups.
Could. Not. Resist.

We joined the Gamelan band while waiting for check in at 2pm.
They gave Tiger a tambourine and he played the part of little boy lost.

We roamed around the area and found this.
According to Tiger it was the best part of the trip.
I will just dump him at the nearest playground before the next trip.

A pet farm.
Showing mei-mei "Rabbit" before giving her a slap for I-don't-know, breathing?
Sigh (I do that a lot these days, sighing)

Checking-in, finally.
Tiger was sibuk with the Cars trolley bag the entire trip.
Dragged it to dinner la, breakfast la...

See the little attention seeker? The papa's sweetheart?
Told you she runs...

The walkway to our chalet.
Ignore the squinty eye model

They have three pools. 
One solely for adults which Hubs and I wanted to go for at night but
I left out the tiny detail:
Boobs are not detachable. time la

They have cooking sessions for kids!
Saturdays are Pizza Days...Yay!
The cook looked at Tiger and said, "Can ah?"
I flashed my cleavage and he was like, "Can, can." 
No la...Just kidding.
I grabbed Tiger's hand and waved it above the table, "See? Can reach. Boleh aje"

The cook then baked it and it was the best pizza ever!

The sand at the beach was great.
Not the coarse type you find on typical PD beach.
Soft, very fine, almost play sand grade.
We applied a ton of insect repellent because they put up a sign that says

I love the peacocks that roam free in the grounds.
Tiger kept following them everywhere :)

They have a small pet farm that resembles a Malay kampung with
chicks, rabbits, tortoises, doves, etc
Holding a chick and posing.
He was all, "I so brave, hor?"

Then, the man passed the hen to him.
He was almost in tears...bwahahahaha.... this a dove, I think...

Nature walk and the aviary...

My only gripe, the kids playroom.
Some old blocks, a video game and sand art.
Come on...which reminds me to write in to complain tell them

Hubby's only complain: No Pool Bar

We will definitely be back, Avillion.
Without kids?
Hubby's reply to that?
Yeah right, no kids....
Babe, you know me so well  ^.^

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