
Friday, 23 August 2013

Tiger's Play Area

I was going to take a picture of Tiger's play area when I came home to a 
complete mess. And nope, it wasn't Tiger.

MIL said, "No Dragons" when I was planning for a second baby.
Clearly I don't listen very well.
Because a year later, I popped out the cutie pie.

The fighting, oh, and the bickering.
All started before Lil Dragon was even one year old @.@
Is this normal?
I thought it was a boy-boy sibling thing.

She is really sweet most of the time but
occasionally, she morphs into Godzilla and does this:
Train table from Gift2kids

It never crossed my mind that she did it.
I thought Tiger was playing roughly because it was supposed to look like this:

Both sets from ToyRus

According to kakak, when Tiger yelled, "NOOOOO"
She took the liberty of climbing onto the train table and knocked everything off.

Guess who had to re-do the whole thing at midnight?


  1. I'm over here and imagining the destruction that would result from a play date with Little Dragon and Elliot. We were calling him "Babyzilla" for awhile. What he does in our classroom looks very much like all of this ... I guess he is probably a dragon, too? :) I think they'll both continue to add excitement and spice to the world for many years to come.

    1. Yes! Must be the Dragon in them. She brings much laughter and joy together with the destruction :)


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