
Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Messy Play: Kool-Aid Play Dough Apples

My sister, Winnie gave me some Kool Aid that her friend bought back from the states.
Rumour has it that Village Grocer in Bangsar is now selling these.
I'll have to check it out.
 It may take some time because of the petrol hike, I'll have to cycle there now.

 Before I start condemning our leaders, let's get back to the important things,
like this project here:

You may think, HAH??? This is important?
Not worldly matters? Politics?

Err, nope. Not in my opinion.
 Here's why:

Tiger rode his tricycle as I walked beside him quietly.
Once we reached the deserted park, we sat on a swing each.
As he struggled to kick off and set the swing in motion, he refused my help.
After a few minutes of focused effort, he did it.
As we swung in synchrony,  he looked at me with a huge beaming smile.
No words were spoken

At that moment, I felt it.
True love.
My child, his smile, his presence.
(PS: I love my girl too but at that moment it was just Tiger and I)

 After 15 minutes, our date was interrupted when he was bitten by a mosquito.
So, we went home and he raided the messy play drawer.
Since we were doing Apples, we made some red dough with Kool Aid.

I used the recipe from DLTK:

You will need:
 • 1 1/4 cup flour
 • 1/4 cup salt
 • 1 packet unsweetened Kool-aid
 • 1 cup boiling water
 • 1 1/2 Tbsp vegetable oil

 1.  In a bowl, mix flour, salt and kool-aid.
 2.  Stir in water and oil
 3.  Knead with hands
 4.  Store in ziploc bag for up to 2 months.


The cherry scent was so yummilicious guys.
I wish I can share the smell too.
We added lots of glitter, as usual.

He thought we were making pizza :)
Ours we quite wet, so we added more flour when this conversation took place.

Tiger: Please pass me the power.
Mama: Power? Powder?
T: Haha...ya, powder.
M: Actually, we call this powder; flour.
T: Far? What far? No it's near.
M: /Fl/ 'our' (flower)
T: This not flower la mama...are you crazy?
M: =.="

Striking a pose for mama

The kneaded dough

We created apples by adding some small twigs from my bonsai tree.


1 comment:

  1. Are you sure they sell it at Bangsar?


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