
Friday, 18 April 2014

Preschool: March-April 2014

There is a new routine in da house.
And I no like.
Tiger will only start school every night after watching Doc Mcstuffin.

Yes, he wants to be a doctor *yawn*
Why isn't there a cartoon on pilots?
Where is Oso with his catchy "three little steps, that's all you need........."?
 You can be a spy, Tiger. I tell him.
Go do something interesting and brave and....
Maybe a spy is asking for too much.
He is actually scared to be a fireman.
I can still hope :)
Probably the only mother on Earth who wants the son
to be a fireman over a doctor.

Truth be told, I want him to set his imagination free and think way ahead of the curve,
so, to be a doctor is not the plan I have in mind.
Other than these pics, we spent some time at the park, 

Not so much
reading, math or right brain stuff.
Lazy month.

Theme work: Flowers
 Here's his work from the flowers theme:

Tiger is very reluctant to attend his YAMAHA classes
cause they are pull-my-hair out boring now.
So much more fun to make noise at home :)
I love this cheeky shot.

Made a gazillion sand art.
Very bad idea. The clean up is horrible, just terrible.

We made so many. Vomit.

 Thinking toys
Mdm Poh Yew said this is the best toy ever.
After her talk, I was like, "Must remember to buy this toy."
 Haha, me is so, very efficient, hor?
Me Chinese ma, kiasu-ness is inborn.
This is the only toy allowed in the master bedroom.

Actually, I made these for him because he was so slow/lazy.
I just ask him to pick out the required pieces.
Considered counting lesson also la.
Make car/motorcycle, plane or helicopter.
Rabbit? No
Dragon? No
See-saw/Ferris wheel? No

Circle time
This calender is one of our most used tool.
His personal schedule too, actually.
He loves putting a tick next to completed activities.

Right brain 
We did so little of this.
Partly because I always give him laser eyes and he hates that.
For mandala, I tried using dot markers so that he can work faster 
instead of coloring slowly, slowly.

We are still using our dry erase board with the workbook.
He is loving the abacus lately, so we worked around that with 
100 board and some skip counting.

We were supposed to learn the chinese strokes with this magnetic puzzle.
He used them for colour sorting instead.
He is completing B cards soon.
Speaking Chinese in school, finally.
Teacher's feedback. More playful nowadays and still speaks with an English accent.

Messy goodness
He is still in love with this gooey alphabet slime.
Didn't work with the cookie cutters. Too sticky was his conclusion

I tried to get him to read his P&J but he was like,
I can only read 2 pages. No ten pages, okay?
I am very tired.

How la?
Must bring out the Amy Chua in me more often?
So far, I'd only shoot him with laser eyes when
he misbehaves or under performs in YAMAHA or right brain practice.

Haven't even raise my voice, okay?
He will reciprocate by showing me sour face.
When I ask him what's wrong, trying to be the kind, understanding parent,
he answers," You show me angry face la. I don't like"
Being a kind, gentle parent sucks.
So much easier to just be Tiger mom.


  1. Hi Jessica,
    Where to do you get the wooden calender (with clock, DDMMYY, weather)

    1. Hi Holiday, I got it from gift2kids. It is slightly more pricey because the colours are so lovely but there are many versions on the internet :) It is the only thing we do for circle time


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