
Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Preschooler Update: Almost Four!

Almost Four!

How quickly this chubby baby became...

.....this lanky kid. 
He is still the sensitive, thinking child I've always had.
In this shot, he was pondering about which prop to add to his 'frog pond'


He is a little nerdy at heart. Okay, very nerdy.
Too skinny.
But handsome (haha!)

At almost 4,  he decides on what he would like to do.
Usually its some cut & glue or math.
When I suggest Ready? Go! (right brain practise)
He gives me a determined, sour face, "No. I don't like ready go"
"Why? I never scold you anymore" 
"I don't like it. I like math. You say ready go one more time, I go downstairs.
You study alone."

So, we do some math everyday.
Still dunno whose math genes he got. 
Must be Winnie yiyi's, cause nobody else likes math.

He is quite good for his age.
Not a genius because 3 year old geniuses would be doing quantum physics by now.
Here, he figured out skip counting by 2 without my help.
Btw, zero here represents 10 (according to him)
 I took the opportunity to introduce him to tadaaaaaa, the times table!
Sorry la, cannot resist the Asian Mom in me. 

More math. 
He actually enjoys tracing numbers and counting.
We danced to some skip counting by 2 songs from Youtube.
And then I decided to teach him odd vs even using the red counters.
He got it in 10 minutes. End of lesson.
I must be a damn good teacher la *flips hair*

 He was down with some viral infection.
High grade fever for 5 days and lost some weight again....arghhhh.

 Still he requested for school but we just played during that time.
I love this set of building toys on loan from Winnie.

He made these that I posted on fb.
Got some money sense, this one.

I also posted some laughing pics of him.
Now I recall what it was that made him so happy.
I was telling him that the creature was llama
He said, "Blama? Clama? Clement??"
Hyena laugh.

Tiger is also keen on writing at the moment, so we focus on skills that strengthens his grip:

Coloring within lines

Writing in sand.
These are leftover from his sand art kid. I added some salt for volume

 He is always excited when I change the trays.
This set was meant to entice Dragon girl but Tiger insisted on doing it.
I replaced the red rods with marbles.

 Major tip to get their attention:
Just add water.
Now they are learning to share without whacking each other.

 He has completed B cards from Baobei after almost 1 year.
Not too bad for a non Chinese speaking boy.

With strangers, he still still very shy.
The sister is as much an extrovert as Tiger is introverted.
Dragon is the first on stage and Tiger would only dance after everyone's left.
 Oh, actually he didn't dance. He was just running around.

 With his darling Grandma

Cognitively he will have no problems.
Socially, he has improved a lot. 
He has two friends in Baobei now. 
Hahahahaha....versus one friend last year.

I love you, my darling boy.
I wish you a very Happy Birthday in advance and my only
wish for you at 4 years old is to gain some weight and to be in the pink of health.

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