
Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Halloween Trays 2014

We are all set for Halloween 2014!
Malaysians generally do not celebrate Halloween.
Unless you are a fun, crazy mom like me :p
If I were to celebrate the Hungry Ghost Festival, it would totally freak MIL out.
Since she thinks of Halloween as a costume's A-okay.

FYI, my dear Little Dragon is Princess Sofia this year.
As I am typing this, the package arrived.
It looks small...
Hope it fits....fingers crossed. 

Tiger is going to be a pirate because he had refused it
and ended up wearing a friend's Batman suit last year
He still doesn't want to be pirate this year. (God, grant me patience)
So, I bought a set of pirate toy from Daiso (sword, compass, eye patch, earring)
and I made this toy-based learning center with his pirate hat and a glow in the dark sword
FYI after one week, he still hasn't touch the books...

The kids like this Spooky center more.
His fav is The Haunted House by Kazuno Kohara
Dragon loves Witch's Kitchen with it's two-ways flaps

We learning about the human Skeleton
I printed the 3-parts cards from the Montessori Print Shop bundle
that came with Montessori At Home ebook.
I made a book for him, just for fun.

Fine Motor
 (Pincer grip)
Some bunny clips to match to bunny stickers

Tweezing orange pompoms.

Practical life
Sifting spiders from a tub of rice.
I didn't dye the rice so that they are still edible after washing.
GST coming, must be more money conscious :)
Added a long tong so that they learn to play peacefully.

Finger play
Some creepy crawlies rubber bands to put on the paper tube.

Ice cube tray, round tablets from Froebel Gift 7

Stole this idea from a friend.
One-to-one correspondence with the number chips and purple pumpkins
Then insert the correct number of googly eyes into each one.

Scissors skills
DIY some cutting strips with some Halloween stickers.
The pumpkin worksheet is from Kumon
Safety scissors from ELC

Our very popular sensory bin.
Any activity you can make a mess with, she's onzzzzzzz! 

Added some spiders to the spooky corner.
Dragon girl hates spider....
Just like a real princess.

Happy Halloween!


  1. hi very impressing your hardwork in preparing the kid's activity. how you find the time to produce all this things?

    1. I usually do one part a night. One night, the trays...then the toy-centered learning. Most nights we just paint/make a mess :)


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