
Monday, 31 October 2011

Sandpaper Letter Replacement

If you like the idea of tracing letters or alphabets ala Montessori but you are too lazy/busy to make your own sandpaper letters, I have the perfect alternative for you.

My sandpaper letters.
Just to show off again :p

These are the foam letters from ELC meant for bath and water play.
Perfect for soft baby fingers as the letters are textured but not abrasive like sandpapers
As Little Tiger is demonstrating, you can trace with toes too  =.="

They come in a mesh bag at the lower left corner of the picture for RM 35.

Of all the goodies I bought from the Mothercare VIP promotion,
this was his favourite from the start.
What a nerdy boy  ^.^

I used them during our 'Recap Week {Letter A to J}
As you can see, the student has disappeared :p
We got to letter 'e'

Hope this helps some of the busy working mommies ^.^

Halloween Party!!!

Happy Halloween everyone!!

We celebrated on Friday night, 28th October 2011.

Party Theme: Pumpkins

Our simple Halloween decorations
Little Tiger called the spiders 'kaka'  ^.^ 

Fake spider web

Mommy aka Tiger's classmate
 Little Tiger aka Little Pumpkin

Little J the Purple spider and Mommy spider 

Mommy Melanie with Little M

Mommy Melanie with Big M

Prettichubbi and Mommy (My dear sister)

Group shot: Missing a skeleton
Little pumpkin, Cutest lamb lamb, Purple Spider

The skeleton was late

Halloween Sensory bag
Ziplock filled with clear hair gel dyed orange
2 rubber spiders
2 porcupine balls

Halloween Sensory Bin


 The kids actually 'shared' the bin
No blood or tears..phew

 Matching the pumpkin to shapes
Printed from

 The 7 month old loved it!!
Tiger is teaching 'mei mei'
Gosh, this shot is priceless...

Little Tiger even found time to practice writing ^.^

Little J with the sticker activity
Printed from

The yummilicious food 
Special order Halloween cupcakes
We googled the designs

Aunty Shron made us this delicious meal
We had curry chicken, fried meehoon, chicken fingers, sandwiches and jelly. 

We had so much fun!!
Are we doing it again next year? 
You betcha!! Bigger and better too ^.^


 **Thanks to Aunty Sharon for the gorgeous pics. Muaks!!!**

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Halloween Painting

Tiger wanted to 'help' with the Halloween preparation.
So, we did some sponge painting.

Since it has been raining every evening, we had to do messy work indoor =.="
I know messiness is part of learning but I am still dealing with my OCDness..

The moment I gave him the shape sponges (from Craft Haven, 1 Utama),
he said, "Cheps (shapes).
He remembered! They were the same sponges I used for his shape sensory bin :)
I used a tray as paint palette and only orange colour (Our Halloween Theme colour)
The last time we used multiple colours, it all ended up as dung colour :p

Cheeky boy still insist on grabbing the paint from me..Some things never change..

He insist on doing it chop-chop style (dot painting)

Perfect dots :)

Sponge or Dot?

Testing my patience by purposely doing his cheeky laugh repeatedly
just so he can taste the paint!!

This morning, he had seen the halloween party decorations I put up and LOVED it!!

Can't wait for the party tonight!!!!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Halloween Sensory Bin

I am addicted to sensory bins.
Are you?

Little Tiger caught a glimpse of this bin last night and didn't want to go to bed ;)

I hope that means he likes it..

"It's for sharing on Friday, ok?"

 I love the break-dancing skeleton!
He fell into a bed of pumpkins while dancing...LOL

The 'scary' ingredients:
  • Base material: Jewels (from Fun and Cheer for RM 5.90 a bag. I needed 3 bags)
  • Halloween streamers that I cut into smaller pieces
  • Mini jointed skeleton
  • Miniature pumpkin candle
  • Rubber spiders
  • Larger pumpkin with light 'show'
  • Assorted orange pom-poms with different textures
  • Halloween cupcake cutouts
  • Container: From Ikea
Not in picture: buckets, scoops, ice cube trays, jugs, tongs..

Fingers crossed that the kids will love it.

Our Halloween Banner

Guess how much our banner cost?



They were actually some bags for meant for party packs
but I thought they would make a really cute banner.

All I needed was some twine and a bobby pin

Then I just stapled the top of the bag

String all the bags together and...


Simple, fast and wallet-friendly. They are reusable for party packs next year. So, technically environmental friendly too :)

Bags are available at Daiso.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Little Tiger's Study Room Update

Since Tiger is able to get on and off his child-sized chair independently, I thought it was a good time to bring out his new IKEA desk and remove the high chair I so hate.

This was the classroom at 14 months.

Welcome to a short tour of some changes to his room.
Photos were taken at Tiger's height just for fun :)

This is the view when Tiger enters the room.
I need to change the curtains.

A closer look at his desk
I reused the IKEA spice rack to keep some of his art supply and
covered the table and table mat with a sheet of book protector.
The table and chair set caused more than RM 200, ain't spoiling it.
He will use it for a long, looooong time

This table mat is FREE from one of our favorite eateries: Alexis in Gardens
Thick-skin Mommy asked for a few extra pieces..hehe
Wonderful for table setting ala Montessori.

This is Tiger's view if he sits at the carpet
 1.Tot Tray Shelf
2. Book shelf
3. His favourite drawers a.k.a. secret place for art supply and music equipments.

His picture books

The view from the curtain/mini art easel

My fav spot:
The Montessori/Japanese Style presentation area
We will TRY to do flashcards and Tot Trays here

 That's all for now. If I can inspire one person by sharing this post, I would feel blessed :)