
Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Messy Play: Goop

It has been raining cats and dogs for the past couple of weeks. The moment it didn't rain, I had to get Tiger out of the house for some messy play.
I have been dying to make goop/gak/slime for some time. Here's a link to some recipes at

Since I don't bake, we were lacking some basic ingredients. All I had on hand was some multi-purpose flour and cornflour. So, I simply mixed the two with some water and green food colouring until I get the right consistency, runny but not too watery.

Our goop

This is the reason I love messy play outdoors: Tiger practically radiates happiness.
If happiness is measurable, it would be off the charts!!
Ohhh, he actually peed in his suit before I took the shot...LOL

Guess what? My Little OCD boy was disgusted...LOL (see pic)
He touched goop and exclaimed,"Eeeekkkk"
Then, he ran away!!
So much for sensory play, he needed a scoop :p

Getting aquainted ^.^

Finally, after some time, he enjoyed it!

What's sensory play without a little tasting?

Washing up is part of the fun!
This time he didn't throw a tantrum when is was time to stop..phew...

We love getting messy!! (Outdoors, of course)


  1. Really hope to have this one day for my children also... :) but i worry my MIL will give me an angry face....

  2. Jade,

    The key is to start small. A little smudge here, a little dirt there...your MIL get used to it, like mine did :) She's a bigger neat freak than me!!

    Don't start with Goop, she'll get a heart attack.
    Something like crayon is pretty mild to start with and make it the washable kind.

  3. Oh, he looks positively delighted! Toddlers and mess make a perfect pair (outside of course)! ;)


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