
Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Tot School: Letters A to J

‘Un’schooling Tiger Week 12 (15th- 31st Oct 2011) @ 16.5 months

Recap week {Letter 'a' to 'j'} with some Halloween fun

In the midst of preparing and celebrating Halloween, we still made time for Tot School since it is important to my little one.


Putting on his finger puppet

I placed his magnetic letters on his mini easel
Here he's making letter 'b' sound  ^.^

Reading his alphabet book

He enjoys making a mess occasionally

Instead of stacking his M&D blocks, he made a train

Using his dry erase markers with both hands, which I encourage all the time.
Like a cheapo version of  Brain Gym

Cleaning up

We had tons of fun with more Halloween activities like:

This Halloween Bin

Painting in orange for deco

Sensory bag

Halloween Party!!!

The next day, he was still playing with the sensory bin & when he
clipped his hands with the tongs..hehe..
but he didn't cry

Outdoor play
Mommy made some goop
He touched it with his hands and said, "Eeeeek"
Then he ran off and only came back after I gave him the scoop  =.="

We cleaned up at the water table.
So much more fun!!

Sunday afternoon was spent loitering in a bookstore
He took the timetable poster and started reciting in his own language.
Tiger and math...inseparable

Rides are always cheap coz he likes 'em sationary

We went back to grandma's place and he had DURIAN!!!
Gosh, this kid is a real Durian King.
Grandpa will always buy some whenever we come over  ^.^
I HATE durian but I actually liked it during my pregnancy.
Hmmm, maybe it was Tiger?

That's all for the week, a little disorganized but it's ok...we needed a break anyway.

Linking up to Tot School

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your halloween bin and sensory bag are gorgeous. What attractive experiences for your little guy!


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