
Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Spooky Halloween Bin

To create this bin, I used:
Instant oatmeal (from apple sensory bin)
Cinnamon sticks (also from apple bin)
Wax pumpkins
Fake spider web
A lil girl and boy for representation of the kids.

I thought it was a pretty neat bin but nope, Tiger created this instead.
I call it the Rubbish Bin

Some shots of them exploring the bin while I just observe.
Again, free play and fine motor is prevalent in a session like this.

Examining the bottom bowl filled with oatmeal

Sweet girl is enamored with the spoon and bucket.
I adore little girls in dresses. 
In Tiger's words, "Mei mei look like princess!"

Disturbing each other is all in a day's work

Exchanging hairbands

Dragon girl loves sensory bins.
Right now, while I am typing this, I have already disposed of this 
oatmeal and the googly eye water beads bin.

We currently have another 3 bins.
I tend to over do Halloween, I know.
Pity the kids :p

1. Super messy Halloween treasures sand bin

2. Orange spider mini bin

3. Shredded paper bin

{pictures later!}

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