
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Dilemma: Screen Time

Little Tiger is a Youtube and Ipad (also for Youtube) addict.


Since we do not subscribe to cartoon channels on Astro, he has yet to know Barney or Mickey. So, Youtube is fascinating to him. He does watch Astro's educational mandarin kid's channel Xiao Tai Yang occasionally.

It is so my fault for introducing him to this media of edu-tainment.
It started with the Dinosaur Song which now snowballed to a selection of about 50 songs. At least it ain't porn..yet. @.@

In order to get over my Mommy guilt, we try to learn during the 'singing'.

Here's what we have been doing so far:

1. Props.
We started with the miniature dinos for his Dinosaur Sensory Bin.
Then the laminated shapes for the Shapes & Colours Bin.
Currently, the 'It' props are the  felt planets I handmade. DAILY USAGE ^.^ with the Solar System song.

This, by the way, is his singing face

2. Musical instruments

Like these mini shakers and tambourine that he associated with the Jolly phonics song.

3. Puzzle pieces to dance to alphabet/number songs.

4. Books: Like the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book. Mommy love the song too!

5. Dancing and movement. Currently he favours the Kinderbeat tracks. Always a great workout.


Sometimes, I am in a bit of a fix over speed flashing as recommended by Schicida.
If you flash that fast, wouldn't the words look blurry and pictures look like a cartoon snippet?
That was how they made cartoon, right?

It is recommended that children less than three should not have any screen time.
It is a known fact that the American Academy of Peadiatrics recommended no screen time before 2.
If the increasing trend of ADHD a result of this?

Tiger was never really a TV person, I was.
Until he came along and took up every bit of my spare time.
Not that I am complaining :)
I did buy some baby DVDs like Brainy Baby and YBCR but he HATED them.
Guess he was smarter than me ^.^

Still, I am assuming that Tiger gets about an hour of screen per day.
Since MIL is his primary caregiver, I have zero control before I come home from work.
Once, I tried to approach the issue as tactfully as possible, like this:
translated from Mandarin

<<< >>>

Mommy: Hey, what did you do today? Did you watch a lot of TV?
Speaking directly to Tiger but within MIL's earshot :p

MIL: Where got?  I just on only lar.
I think she gave me a look

Mommy: Does he watch TV in the afternoon?
Feeling like the bad cop in a cheap grade B movie

MIL: No lar, where got time? Only during meals. Otherwise he runs everywhere.
Looking more irritated?? Or did I imagined it?

Mommy: Oh.
Tells self to shut the f*** up

<<< >>>

Since I couldn't remove the TV without looking like a total b***h to MIL, I did the next best thing. I took up half the living space for Tiger's learning stuff and books to entice him into doing puzzles, reading, etc.

It is still impossible to eliminate the background television but I guess you can't have it all, huh?

In Bright From the Start, Jill Stamm recommended programmes like Mister Rogers and similiar slow, calming formats. So sleep inducing and slow!

What is your take on the screen time and technology dilemma? 


  1. I'm with you on this dilemma. I figure it is really hard to have a child with no screen time when technology is so pervasive. That being said, I try to limit it. I don't have cable, so don't have to worry about his mind rotting in front of worthless shows. Instead he watches educational videos like Your Baby Can Discover or Baby Signing Time. There are also some great You Tube videos or lessons for Little Reader that he watches. I say, do the best you can and let go of your guilt! The fact that you are worrying about it proves that you're doing a good job.

    1. Thanks Kaysha. I honestly hope the amount of screen time isn't too damaging. He has unofficialy re named himself
      "Ipad *giggle* *giggle* "

  2. Okay, I'm usually anti-screen time, but I'm really impressed with the way you have managed to pair actual activities with the videos Tiger loves. It's true, like Kaysha says, that technology is pervasive, so most every young child *will* see a screen, so why not use it like you have as just another way to make connections? I really like that! I can see the dilemma with grandma, too. That's rough!

    We use youtube sometimes, when topics come up that I want Annabelle to be able to *see*. With this pregnancy, for example, a lot has come up about how different types of babies are born and when we talked about how birds hatch from eggs, I thought it only appropriate to find a good youtube video of a bird hatching. With all of her toys packed up and on a boat to the mainland at the moment, I have also been giving in and letting her watch kids yoga videos on youtube every once in awhile. Normally I wouldn't be into it, but she has so little to do at home right now that some days it saves both of our sanity.

    1. Hi Melissa,

      Sometimes, when I spend all day with Tiger during the weekends, I try to eliminate screen. Not easy. I almost went bonkers...LOL. Occasionally, I would be thinking, "How do full time moms do it?" So, hats off to you and Annabelle for handling the transition between homes so well. I read about your first birth story the other day and I felt like I was there. You are an amazing writer. How many times have I said that? :)

  3. Kenzie's Mommy16 May 2012 at 19:50

    Hi Jessica,
    I have been quietly stalking your blog for over a month now. I saved your link in my favourite, and I view it every 2 days or so. I came across your blog when I bought something online from I was browsing their testimonials, and then, I saw yours with a link attached ~ the flashcard holder for Tiger. And started reading your blog since then.

    My boy is 13 months old. I am a full time working mummy. We send him to the nanny's in the morning, and pick him up after work. I enjoy looking at Tiger's activities, and I usually do so according to your labels. But sad to say, my boy is soooooo much far behind than what Tiger has been doing (if I follow the age labels).. I do copy some activities that you did, and try to do it on my boy though..

    About tv time, errr, I have to confess, my boy spends more than 1 hour in front of the tv everyday. I need the tv to keep him quiet when I get things done after I come back from work - cooking, bathing, washing clothes, etc. If there's no tv, then my hubby has to be there to keep an eye on him, else, he will be crawling (yup, u read it right, he's not walking yet) all over the place, climbing here and there..he wont be interested in his toys for a long time.. so, tv is the only way he will sit still at least until we have done our chores..

    So there, confession of a guilty mum...

    Errr, wait.. I am only talking about tv time when he's with us.. what about daytime at nanny's ? OMG.....................

    1. Hi Kenzie's mommy.

      Firstly thanks for reading and taking your time to leave a comment.

      The thing about development is there is no hard and fast rule. Nobody develop at the same rate and the worst thing you can do is fret over the little milestones. That's why I am not a fan of Doman's physical activities. Crawling is actually excellent brain exercise. I wanted to 'make' Tiger cross crawl longer but you know how they have their own will and ideas :p So, nowadays, I actually crawl around with him...haha!

      As mothers, as much as we try not to compare our children, it is only our nature to do so.
      Tiger was always very keen on his fine motor activties and he has a longer attention span than kids his age. So, I kinda took avantage of that and focus on the stuff he likes, so he thrives. Following the child's lead is always the best!

      My problem (besides the screen time) is he's reluctant to do his right brain Schicida stuff now :)
      I've found a new right brain school that I hope will help us in this department. Fingers crossed.

      I guess we will never be perfect moms without the guilt but I am just hoping to be a good one. As long as we provide love and patience, there really is no wrong, right?

  4. the solar system's idea was great. thanks jess. I made my own for LO
    here's some pic of mine

    1. Ella!

      Long time no 'see'!

      Your felt planets are gorgeous! I am ashamed of mine now!

      Luckily Tiger is not able to tell his mom's needlework is shabby. LOL

      I added your picture to my DIY: Felt Planet post so that others can admire them too :) Is that okay?

    2. sure, it's my pleasure :)

  5. Hi,

    I have the same problem with the TV! I would choose to have no TV at home except I live with my in-laws so it is very hard to control how much TV they watch since the grandparents have the TV on most of the time. Sigh. I'm looking for a solution myself.

  6. Oooh...forgot to ask...which right brain school are u trying with Tiger now? Is it good?

    1. Hi Mei,

      There is something abot older folks and TV, huh? Hehe, I think when I hit 50, I'll probably be doing the same.
      We are awaiting trial at Ditoso located in Kota Kemuning. The place is gorgeous :p & very close to my home (very important!)
      Here's the link:!/pages/ditoso-Right-Brain/333743523349815
      The material/lessons are almost an exact copy of Schicida. I will write a post on it after our trial class.
      Oh, I am also keen because I opted for lessons to be conducted in chinese.

  7. Hi,

    What abt Tweedlewink? Do you recommend it?

  8. Hi Mei,

    Tiger's been with TW for just over a year now. I must say that I am pleased with his progress. I can only give feedback on Tiger's performance and this in no way represent the teaching of TW as a whole. It is hard to comment on the effectiveness as children of this age are usually in still the input stage.

    Personally, I feel that TW's programme primed Tiger with the bird-eye view of learning. It covers a wide range of subjects. Therefore, when I teach him phonics, math, music, world lessons, etc; he picks up in a jiffy. I honestly feel that it is the repeated exposure. Even if you do not send them to a right brain school like TW, you can still recreate the lessons at home(super human dedication and effort) and achieve the same benefits.

  9. Thanks for the feedback Jessica! I really admire your dedication and hard work! Salute!


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