Thursday 7 March 2013

Reading: Ladybird Series 1A

Tiger's 2yrs 8 months


Months ago, he ignored the book and the flashcards.
finally, after three months of leaving it on the shelf, I was told
he has read it independently for some time.
I suspected he could but you know, boys.....

I was a little under the weather and perhaps he wanted to cheer me up :)
Or maybe he wanted to help me sleep with the book's boring-ness repetitiveness?
Who cares? He reads!

(smile + blow nose)

Not James,'s Jane

"James" he insisted with a monkey smile

"Peter and James"

"James and Peter"

Roll eyes and pretend to be irritated.

Boys, pfffttt.....

 So, today, I rewarded him with Book 1B: Look at this

 "EVIL, kan?"

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Sight words

 Ladybird Series/Peter and Jane

Sight words for kindergarten flashcards from

Also, I labelled stuff around the house using Carisa's printables

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We will be going through blending following this free 
curriculum from  Brightly Beaming Resources
They even have baby curriculum. I tried reading The Carrot Seed to Dragon.
She was only interested in eating it.

Tiger has shown ability to decode words but more comfy with CVC words.

Tools we love
He loves the pattern phonics flip chart from Brillkids.
 He sounds out nonsensical words and 
I write them on the whiteboard while asking him,
"Is that a word?"

He sounded out /f/ /a/ /b/ as f**k (rhymes with duck)

Leapfrog's Fridge Magnet

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We made the house reader-friendly since he is sooo into reading now.

Sometimes, he goes through 10 books with me at one go.

Some popular ones at the moment:

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
If You Give the Pig A Pancake
The Gruffalo
Brillkids series

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Peter and Jane during my time:)
 Unlike me, they have not aged :(
See Jane on this cover? Just stop smiling already....

I believe in my son and we do whatever he fancies. Tiger really kinda suck at play. He hates getting sand in his pants and dirt irritates him. Even swimming is like yuck!
Toys never really fascinated him even since infancy.

Nope, he is not autistic (it did cross my mind), just an overly sensitive child, you know, the clothes tag and sock lining is irritating type.

I was in the midst of searching for our direction (Montessori/play-based) when he showed me he wanted to read and continue with phonics/blending. So, I guess we will continue to be doing this crazy schooling thingy and see where he wants to go.

I am not a teacher or early childhood education specialist. We do not follow any particular method and I don't give a 'duck' about whole word versus phonics method. So, nope, in case you are wondering, we do not have any problems with uppercase/lowercase/ b vs d and p vs q despite the fact that I threw everything at him at once.

It wasn't like he couldn't read prior to this post. But he wasn't flipping from first to the last last page and really reading each word. So, this is a milestone for us.

Your child may be reading the encyclopedia or manuals to build a rocket. So, Peter and Jane is no biggie. Tiger is by no means precocious child, just a happy kid who happens to like books at the moment. He may suddenly want to play with dough only tomorrow.

Tiger was NOT an avid reader until he turned 2.5 years old. So, don't worry if your child is not ready yet. When they are, they simply can't stop :)


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